
Saga in the person of Randi B. Haugland has developed a set of activities that we call co-creation.

This is an inclusive alternative to team building with extreme sports and similar activities. The aim is to make participants more open, secure, courageous and creative.

Everyone has an entrepreneur/creator inside them, but how do we succeed at creating something together?

We bring together elements from the world of craft, art and nature as a basis for inspiration, creativity and innovation. Co-creation demands mutual respect, equality and a willingness to listen and understand – these are useful exercises for any organisation or business. Between segments, we meet in the cookhouse for something good to drink.

At the end, we get together for a summing-up and presentation of the activities.

Examples of co-creation activities: Building log cabins, painting, photo board, making music, bonfire, etc.

Season:  All year round

Duration: 2-5 hours

Group size: 8-50 people

Price: NOK 250-400 per person

Location: Courtyard at the Saga Trollheimen Hotel

Level of difficulty: For everyone

Equipment: Good footwear

Contact us for more information and ideas!

Welcome to co-creation, together with your co-workers or friends!